DNA Database

The DNA Database Unit is responsible for receiving, verifying acceptability, and processing reference DNA samples from convicted offenders and a subgroup of detainees. The reference DNA profiles obtained from these samples are then uploaded to the DNA database. The DNA database contains more than 300,000 DNA profiles.

To electronically compare DNA profiles, we use a tool called the Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS. CODIS includes DNA profiles collected from known convicted offenders and detainees, as well as unknown missing persons, unidentified human remains, victims, and evidence from crime scenes. CODIS enables forensic laboratories to share DNA profiles, linking crime scenes to each other or to a reference DNA sample from a known detainee or convicted offender. Due to the expansion of database laws, the number of DNA profiles searched in CODIS continues to increase dramatically.

When a match occurs, the DNA database performs a series of steps to confirm the information and DNA profiles, then provides the identifying information to the lead investigator. Since 2001, we have supplied more than 10,737 lead investigators. The data collected from these lead investigators demonstrates the value of the program; approximately 35% of cases resulting in a lead are violent crimes.